- Making fish crackers involves several steps to produce a crunchy and delicious snack. Here are the general steps in the process of making fish crackers:
1. Preparation of Ingredients
Fresh fish is selected, cleaned, and stripped of its skin and bones. Fish that is usually used is the type that has thick and tasty meat.
Additional Ingredients: Ingredients such as tapioca flour, wheat flour, salt, flavoring, spices, and other ingredients can be added to give the desired texture and flavor.
2. Mixing and Mashing
The cleaned fish meat is pulverized into a paste using a blender or other pulverizer.
The fish paste is mixed with additional ingredients such as tapioca flour, wheat flour, salt, and spices to create a cohesive dough.
3. Dough Formation
Fish paste that has been mixed with additional ingredients is kneaded into a homogeneous dough that is easy to shape.
The fish dough is then thinly ground using a grinding machine or special tools to produce thin sheets like crackers.
These dough sheets can be cut or molded into desired shapes, such as square or round.
5. Drying
The molded fish dough shapes are left to dry for a few hours or until completely dry. This process can be done in the sun or by using an oven.
6. Frying
Once dry, fish crackers are fried in hot oil until they puff up and turn golden in color. The frying process is quick as the crackers are already thin.
7. Additional Drying
After frying, fish crackers may still contain some oil. To remove the excess oil, the crackers are usually allowed to dry naturally for a while or by using oil-absorbing paper.
Once completely dry and cool, the fish crackers are ready to be packed in appropriate bags or containers to preserve their freshness and deliciousness.
The process of making fish crackers may vary slightly depending on the traditions and manufacturing methods used by the manufacturer. It is important to maintain cleanliness and hygiene during the entire manufacturing process to produce fish crackers that are safe and delicious for consumption.