This is Health Benefits of Mullets

By. Nevanda - 01 Mar 2023

img - Mullets is popular fish among the anglers, they are fast growing fish that can be found in the tropical warm waters. This fish like to swim near the surface and usually travel in school of large group when they go to spawn. Because their growth rate is very fast, the population of this fish in the wild is still abundant. 

This fish can grow up to more than two feet long and their weight is typically two or three pounds. They have long life expectancy from 4 to 16 years. Mullets will reach maturity when they are three years old. Mullets have distinctive behaviour where they like to frequently jump out of water. There are two different jump that they usually perform. First is a clean, straight cut out of the water to avoid predators. Second is lower and slower leap that involves sideways spin. The reason of this second jump is debatable, but most people think they do it to obtain oxygen rich air.


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When it comes to try new food, you can try to eat mullets, and like the other fishes of course mullets are having numerous benefits that you can gain.

•    Mullets are a good source of vitamin B6 and minerals like potassium, selenium and phosphorus.
•    Mullets contain omega-3 fatty acids, that have benefit to our body growth process. It can boost out eyesight, lower blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk.
•    When consuming Mullets, it is has been associated with the improve skin and hair growth.
•    This fish is a good source of protein that can helps build muscle mass, boost immune system and maintain healthy nervous system. 
•    The protein content in mullets fish can help to promote the healing of wounds, because protein is important in cell regeneration.
•    Mullets also contain fats and protein that our body can use as a source of power.
•    Consuming mullets can promote one’s appetite.


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You can eat mullets in many ways, it can be dried, salted, baked, fried, canned or smoked. Mullets also used as an ingredient in Taiwanese Wuyutsu, Greek Avgotaraho, Korean Myeongran, Italian Bottarga, Japanese Karasumi, Turkish Haviar, and Egyptian Batarekh. Mullets is also oftens use in stews and chowders. You can also add Mullets into salad greens and pasta dish. Mullets is an oily fish, but despite their oil content Mullets are low in calories.

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